Welcome to my website!
Ahoy there! My name is Armand, and no, I am not a chef. Quite the opposite!
I am a full-time blogger for a well known, US-based tech company. This small site was created with the sole purpose of helping regular people grasp the most difficulty technology concepts.
Check out my blog to see what I mean. I don't post very often, but each article is very well researched and will teach you several new things. It's a promise!
Nine modern web design trends
Gone are the days when a website was only supposed to look good! People used to be impressed by complex flash-based animations a decade ago, but nothing could be further away from truth today.
No sir, modern web design means so much more now! Here are some of the hottest trends in the web design industry.
1. Complex backgrounds and patterns are the norm
Grid patterns are all the rage today, especially when they are combined with parallax movement code.
2. Smooth animations
Yeah, I hear you, website animations aren't something new. However, smooth animations that are triggered while people scroll down the page are this year's innovations...
Copyright © Armand Bollinger · All Rights reserved · Email: armand@trackoff.org

How to troubleshoot home network problems
You've just unboxed and installed your brand-new router, but for some reason it doesn't work at all. Or maybe it worked fine before, but now things have changed for the worse.
Sometimes home network connections fail because Wi-Fi signal power is limited. To complicate things even further, some people experience Wi-Fi network problems the minute they power on their microwave ovens or smart refrigerators.
The explanation is simple: all these electronics use the same 2.4 GHz radio band, so their signals interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. Of course, your neighbors are probably using the same frequency for their Wi-Fi networks, and this makes things even worse.
The fix these problems, consider changing the Wi-Fi channel, repositioning your router, or if these things don't bring in the desired results, consider purchasing a Wi-Fi amplifier and a high gain antenna like these omnidirectional ones...

Random tech fact
Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are the top three social networks used by teens.
Over 60% of them log into one of these accounts several times per day.
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